Director/ Principal Exercise Physiologist

Vanessa Coman


Bachelor of Science (Exercise Physiology & Sports Science) UNSW

Post Graduate Diploma of Education (PDHPE & Science) Notre Dame University

Clinical Exercise Physiologist/ Clinical Pilates Instructor/ Wellness Coach

Vanessa Coman

My Exercise Physiology philosophy:

I believe that exercise doesn’t have to be complicated and hard to be beneficial. You just need to know the right exercise for YOU. I believe in keeping it SIMPLE.

I look at people like a puzzle when figuring out how to treat pain. “It hurts because of this, which is doing that because of that…” Nothing brings me more joy than figuring out the puzzle and watching people improve and gain confidence.

What do you love about Studio Ness?

THE COMMUNITY!! And seeing people get better.

My whole life has been about creating communities, teams and groups. I believe that being social and feeling connected is the key to health and happiness.

Seeing people share in each other’s achievements and help motivate each other is so rewarding. PLUS… exercise is way mor fun with other people.

Favourite Rehabilitation Exercise to prescribe:

Pilates and hydrotherapy – ANYONE with ANY condition can do these. I love seeing people realise how much they can achieve.

I love how in Studio Pilates you can specifically target individual muscles so easily. This can speed up the rehab process so much…

Plus… You can do Pilates lying down 🙂

Favourite Exercise to do yourself:

Swimming, beach walks, Pilates… and running around with my beautiful 4 year old girl.

Bragging rites/ Fun facts:

  • 2nd in Australia in U21 Beach Volleyball Pairs 2001
  • Coached NSW National and international Girls Waterpolo. 2000 – 2012
  • Was a girls high school teacher for 10 years!
  • Was a massive band geek – played lots of instruments like piano, saxophone and bassoon.
  • Total Choc-a-holic.

Life Motto:

  • A day without laughter is a day wasted.
  • Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

What my Studio Ness Team would say about me in one sentence:

“Creates a great atmosphere in the group. Always very positive.”