Exercise Physiologist / Remedial Massage Therapist
Chris Munn
Diploma in Remedial Massage with additional training in Thai Massage and Dry Needling
Bachelor in Exercise and Sport Science
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise Science
500hr Yoga Teacher Training
What do you love about Studio Ness?
It’s a very pleasant place to work at. We get along well and Ness is enthusiastic about allowing us to practice to our strengths. Having regular clients in our group classes that I get to see progress is also quite rewarding.
Favourite Rehabilitation Exercise to prescribe:
Bodyweight: Rolling techniques, Lunging Hamstring Stretch, Couch Stretch, Active Hang, Side Plank
With external resistance: DB Front Rack Carry, Hip Hinge, Band resisted Bridges
Favourite Exercise to do yourself:
Cycling, Bodyweight exercises, Learning new skills like circus, movement improvisation or martial arts.
Bragging rites/ Fun facts:
- Lived in China, Vietnam, France and Canada for a total of 4 years.
- Fluent in French and I know some basic Chinese, Moroccan Arabic and Spanish.
- Qualified for Sprint Triathlon and Duathlon World Championships 25-29yo 2013 & 2015
- Completed an Ironman in 2010 in 12:34hrs
- Competed in running as a teenager with my best times of 1:58min 800m and 9:11min 3km
- Can hold my breath for several minutes.
Life Motto:
You are your habits. You are a result of what you do repeatedly.
Some things are out of our control, but the little things we do every day make a big difference on what we become.
What my Studio Ness Team would say about me in one sentence:
”Lives and breathes what he does. The master of stretching and muscle releasing. Cool, calm and collected. Love his dry sense of humour”.